PT Amarta Karya adalah BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi. Perusahaan ini merupakan hasil nasionalisasi dari NV Constructie Werk Plaatsen De Vri’es Robbe Lindeteves yang bergerak di bidang pabrikasi konstruksi baja. Amarta Karya membagi layanannya dalam dua kategori, yaitu jasa konstruksi spesialis dan industri penunjang konstruksi.
VISION “To be Excellent & Trusted Construction Company”
The recent existence of PT AMARTA KARYA has a chain relation with its long establishment history. In the eve of year 1960 NV Lindeteves Stokvis and Fa. De Vri’es Robbe both domiciled in Semarang merged become NV. Constructie Werk Plaatsen De Vri’es Robbe Lindeteves, abbreviated into “Robbe Linde & Co” engaged in fabrication of steel construction
In 1962 this Company was nationalized and PN Amarta Karya engaged in the same field of business. In 1972 PN Amarta Karya status was transformed into Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Amarta Karya domiciled in Jakarta . As of that instance the Company expanded its business line into construction in civil works, electrical and mechanical in addition to the steel construction field which has become its core business since the beginning.
Meanwhile, in an effort to improve services to meet customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis, has made efforts to increase the understanding and application of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, which is an improvement of the ISO 9001:2004 certificates had been obtained since 1996. Currently the Company has also adopted the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System and Management System Occupational Health and Safety OHSAS 18001:2007.
With the vision and mission redefined, and the field of business grouped into Specialist Construction Services and Industrial Support Construction, in accordance with the Company’s core competence, it is expected performance improvement will be achieved, so that the state will can contribute to state revenues and increased Employee well-being.
Our hope is this will Company Profile can be one useful source of information for service users in order to implement the program development. For that we thank him for all the infinite help and support of our stakeholders in our efforts to Advancing PT AMARTA KARYA

Website : PT. Amarta Karya