Bio Farma merupakan BUMN produsen Vaksin dan Antisera, saat ini berkembang menjadi perusahaan Life Science., didirikan 6 Agustus 1890. Selama 126 tahun pendiriannya Bio Farma telah berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bangsa, baik yang berada di Indonesia maupun mancanegara.
Lebih dari 130 negara telah menggunakan produk Bio Farma terutama negara-negara berkembang, dan 50 diantaranya adalah negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI). Produksi Vaksin Bio Farma telah memenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) dan mendapatkan pra kualifiasi dari Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO).
6 August 1890
Bio Farma was established under the name of Parc Vaccinogene” on 6 August 1890 based on the Decree of the Governor of the Dutch Indies No. 14 of 1890, in the Weltervreden Military Hospital, Batavia, which now function as the military Hospital (RSPAD) Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta.
The Company’s name was changed to “Parc Vaccinogene en Instituut Pasteur.”
1902 – 1941
The Company changed its name again to “Landskoepoek Inrichting en Instituut Pasteur.” In 1923, Bio Farma was relocated in Jalan Pasteur No. 28 Bandung, and led by L. Otten.
1942 – 1945
During the Japanese occupation, Bio Farma changed its name to “Bandung Boeki Kenkyusho” and was led by Kikuo Kurauchi.
1945 – 1946
The Indonesian name of “Gedung Cacar and Lembaga Pasteur” was attributed to the Company, which was then led by R.M. Sardjito, the first Indonesian officer who led the Company. Under his leadership, the head office was moved to Klaten.
1946 -1949
During the Military Aggression, when Bandung was taken over by the Dutch army, the Company changed its name once more to “Landskoepoek Inrichting en Instituut Pasteur.”
1950 – 1954
The Company changed its name again to “Gedung Cacar and Lembaga Pasteur”, and was one of the institutionsunder the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the of Republic Indonesia.
1955 – 1960
During the nationalization of Dutch companies in Indonesia, the Company later changed its name to “State Company Pasteur”The Company was then more popularly known as PN.Pasteur
1961 – 1978
Company renamed to “State Bio Farma Company”, or better known as PN. Bio Farma.
Based on Government Regulation No. 1 1997, the Company name changed to Perum Bio Farma (Persero), known today as PT Bio Farma(Persero).
1997 – 2011
Bio Farma succeeded in obtaining WHO Prequalification for 12 types of vaccines, marking WHO’s approval for entering global market.
The launch of a new logo reflected the spirit and optimism towards entry into the world class vaccine industry.
Under the new management team, Bio Farma stepped forward as a worldclass vaccine company with global competitiveness.
The Roadmap towards the Lifescience industry began. Launching of the latest Pentavalent vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, HiB) and the launching of a national immunization program
Enhancement of a new Vision,“To be a World Class Lifescience Company with Global Competitiveness”.
Inauguration of the new Heritage Building and Bio Farma Museum.
Expansion of the National Vaccine Research Forum (NVRF) into the National Life Sciences Research Forum (NLSRF).

Website : Biofarma