United Overseas Bank (UOB) has established itself as a significant player in the banking sector, especially in Southeast Asia. Known for its unwavering commitment to excellence, UOB serves millions of customers worldwide. At the core of its brand identity is the logo, which encompasses the values and aspirations of the bank.
Design Elements of the Logo
The logo of United Overseas Bank is characterized by its simple yet powerful design. The logo features a bold red color, which is synonymous with strength and resilience. The stylized depiction of the bank’s name reflects modernity and professionalism, positioning UOB as a forward-thinking financial institution. This logo is not just a visual representation; it embodies the trust and reliability that customers associate with the bank.
Importance of Branding for UOB
In the competitive banking landscape, a logo plays a crucial role in brand recognition. The logo of United Overseas Bank not only differentiates it from competitors but also reinforces its reputation as a trustworthy partner. As UOB expands its services and reaches new markets, the logo remains a consistent element that resonates with customers, reinforcing their loyalty and confidence in the brand.
Sekilas Tentang United Overseas Bank
UOB Indonesia didirikan pada tanggal 31 Agustus 1956 dengan nama PT Bank Buana Indonesia. Pada bulan Mei 2011, berganti nama menjadi PT Bank UOB Indonesia.
Jaringan layanan UOB Indonesia mencakup 41 kantor cabang, 168 kantor cabang pembantu dan 191 ATM yang tersebar di 54 kota di 18 provinsi. Layanan UOB Indonesia juga dapat dinikmati melalui jaringan ATM regional UOB, ATM Prima, ATM bersama serta jaringan VISA.
UOB Indonesia dikenal sebagai Bank dengan fokus pada layanan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM), layanan kepada nasabah retail, serta mengembangkan bisnis consumer dan corporate banking melalui layanan tresuri dan cash management.
Dengan jaringan layanan yang luas, sistem teknologi informasi, struktur permodalan yang sehat dan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, UOB Indonesia bertujuan menciptakan manfaat jangka panjang yang berkesinambungan bagi para pemangku kepentingan. Fokus UOB Indonesia senantiasa mengarah pada pembaharuan untuk menjadi Bank Premier melalui pertumbuhan yang berdisiplin dan stabilitas bisnis.
OUB Indonesia melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility turut berpartisipasi aktif membangun komunitas. Kegiatan CSR UOBI fokus kepada dunia seni, pendidikan dan anak-anak. UOBI mengadakan kompetisi seni secara regular di Indonesia melalui UOB Painting of The Year. UOBI juga mendorong karyawannya untuk ikut serta di kegiatan sukarela, antara lain melalui UOB Heartbeat, Kegiatan Donor Darah dan Donasi Buku.
UOB Indonesia was founded on 31 August 1956 under the name PT Bank Buana Indonesia. In May 2011, the Bank changed its name to PT Bank UOB Indonesia.
UOB Indonesia’s service network 41 main branch offices, 168 sub-branch offices and 191 ATMs across 54 cities in 18 provinces in Indonesia. UOB Indonesia’s banking services are accessible through its regional ATM network, the ATM Prima and Bersama networks and the Visa network.
UOB Indonesia is rated AAA (idn) by the independent rating agency Fitch Ratings. UOB Indonesia also won the Platinum Award for Exceptional Financial Performance from Infobank Magazine for 10 consecutive years.
UOB Indonesia is well known for its focus on small and medium enterprises, and strong retail customer base. The Bank has built a consumer as well as corporate banking business which offer treasury and cash management products and services.
With its extensive network of services, information technology systems, sound capital structure and highly qualified staff, UOB Indonesia aims to create sustainable long-term value for its stakeholders. UOB Indonesia’s focus remains on transforming UOB Indonesia into a Premier Bank through disciplined growth and stability.
UOB Indonesia plays an active role in the community, focusing on the arts, education and children. UOBI held annual art competition in Indonesia, the UOB Painting of the Year. UOB also encourages its employees to be involved in its regular volunteer activities. This includes the annual UOB Heartbeat Run, Blood Donation and Book Donation activities.

Website : www.uob.co.id